Types Of Work

Experience Representing Various Types Of Work Injuries

A significant number of Americans live paycheck to paycheck. Even if they have saved enough to have a month's worth of bills in the checking account, an unexpected loss of income can quickly devastate an entire family. If you suffered a work injury, it is crucial that you act quickly to fully understand your legal rights for monetary compensation.

At George & Wallach, L.L.L.P., our attorneys have extensive experience guiding injured clients through the process of seeking 
workers' compensation benefits. If you have suffered a workplace accident, we encourage you to schedule a free consultation at our Forest Park & Stockbridge, GA office.

Generally, on-the-job injuries will fit into one of three categories.

  • Single-accident injuries: It only takes one slip, one trip, one fall to cause a severe injury. Whether you have fallen down the stairs, tripped over debris in an aisle, had materials fall and strike you in the head, or pulled a muscle trying to lift a heavy object, one single instance is enough to have a lasting effect.

  • Repetitive stress injuries: As opposed to a single-accident injury, many injuries or conditions build up over time. A condition such as carpal tunnel, for example, is the result of weeks, months or even years of performing the same task. This type of action can put stress on the body and, ultimately, lead to joint or muscle fatigue. Someone who works on an assembly line for a decade will likely struggle with persistent back pain as those muscles break down.

  • Toxic exposure: Some industries require their workers to interact with dangerous chemicals on a daily basis. From construction sites to photo labs to factory work to janitorial services, workers must use extreme caution when handling toxic materials. Repeated exposure, no matter how much care is taken, can lead to conditions such as mesothelioma, asbestosis or leukemia.

As soon as you are concerned that your job has caused an injury, you should discuss your situation with a skilled attorney. Too many people simply hope the pain goes away, or avoid filling out an accident report for fear that they will get in trouble. Discuss your case with an experienced workers' compensation lawyer who will fight to protect you.

Learn More About The Different Types Of Work Injuries From Us

You do not have to go without a paycheck if you have been injured at work. Schedule a free consultation by calling our firm or contacting us online. We take our cases on a contingency basis, which means you owe us nothing until we recover compensation for you.

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