A significant number of Americans live paycheck to paycheck. Even if they have saved enough to have a month's worth of bills in the checking account, an unexpected loss of income can quickly devastate an entire family. If you suffered a work injury, it is crucial that you act quickly to fully understand your legal rights for monetary compensation.
At George & Wallach, L.L.L.P., our attorneys have extensive experience guiding injured clients through the process of seeking workers' compensation benefits. If you have suffered a workplace accident, we encourage you to schedule a free consultation at our Forest Park & Stockbridge, GA office.
Generally, on-the-job injuries will fit into one of three categories.
As soon as you are concerned that your job has caused an injury, you should discuss your situation with a skilled attorney. Too many people simply hope the pain goes away, or avoid filling out an accident report for fear that they will get in trouble. Discuss your case with an experienced workers' compensation lawyer who will fight to protect you.
You do not have to go without a paycheck if you have been injured at work. Schedule a free consultation by calling our firm or contacting us online. We take our cases on a contingency basis, which means you owe us nothing until we recover compensation for you.
637 Main Street
Forest Park, GA 30297
Mon-Fri 9:00AM-5:00PM
Do you need legal assistance regarding workers' compensation claims, Social Security Disability benefits and Supplemental Security Income (SSI)? Call us today!
(404) 366-5724.
We serve clients throughout the following areas.
Jonesboro, Morrow, Riverdale, Newnan, Griffin, McDonough, Jackson, Flovilla, Covington, Conyers, Oxford, Clayton County, Henry County, Spalding County, Butts County, Coweta County, Newton County, Rockdale County
George & Wallach, L.L.L.P